premum non nocere

premum non nocere

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Hormone Imbalance

If you have troubles such as fatigue, skin issues, weight gain,trouble sleeping, always sleeping, PMS, endometriosis, infertility, PCOS or other issues, there’s a good chance that you might have hormone imbalance!
Hormones are critical chemicals in the body that act as messengers, triggering other reactions and influencing processes. Hormones are made by the endocrine glands – which include the pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid, adrenal glands, pancreas, testes and ovaries.
I discovered a great page from Wellness Mama that give 9 super tips on balancing hormones. These include everything from exercise tips through to dietary changes herbs, minerals and supplements.It is definitely packed with some helpful information and worth checking out.

One of the ones that caught my eye is to attempt to avoid hormone-disrupting toxins such as plastics. While avoiding plastic is easier said than done, I think it is extremely important. Plastics have been shown to leach into foods and cause an estrogenic effect, disrupting hormone balances in the body and have even been linked to reduced fertility in males.
I would suggest to start replacing kitchen storage and cooking equipment with glass or stainless steel. Switching out plastic-bottled water for filtered is a good idea. Buying fresh produce that has not been plastic wrapped is optimal – however one thing that continues to frustrate me is how organic produce is plastic wrapped in larger stores. This almost defeats the purpose! I suppose they do it to differentiate it from non-organic when it comes to the cash register…
So the first step is to limit plastics in foods but then there are other important steps such as limit exposure to chemicals from non-food sources. This gets tricky owing to the prevalence of these things in the modern world.

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